Monday, July 26, 2010

Kayak Fishing Update

We are halfway through the summer here in Oregon, and man have we been busy. I managed to spend another week (7/14-19, 2010) in the San Juan Islands touring and fishing and brought another large (32") lingcod to the kayak. This time I made the mistake of pulling it completely out of the water to show our group and it managed one last thrashing to jump right off the hook, after I measured it, but before a took a picture.

I have other big news to report, Ocean Paddler Magazine, the premiere sea kayak magazine published in the UK, is publishing a 2000 word/10 photo feature of my writing and Chris Bensch's photos in their August issue.

You can pick up a copy at any sea kayak shop worth its' salt anywhere in the world. Copies should be available in the US by the end of August, 2010.

I am actually looking forward to taking a break from guiding multi-day trips in the San Juan Islands. I plan on slowing down a bit, lightening my commitment load a bit, and getting to the Oregon Coast for bottom and salmon fishing, and some surf. School gets going again at the end of September, and I need to relax!

Until next time,


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