Monday, January 19, 2009

The Kamchatka Project

I recently discovered The Kamchatka Project while surfing the web. If you are into salmon fishing or kayaking and haven't put Kamchatka on your list of dream expeditions, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

The Kamchatka Project website states; "In the summer of 2009 a group of expert expedition kayakers will attempt source to sea first descents of the Illmahaka and Kapaza rivers in an effort to help further a salmon stronghold in Kamchatka."

"Exploring by kayak will lead the team directly to the salmon, conservation issues and the cultures of Northern Siberia."

I look forward to some incredible photography and trip reports from these guys. Kamchatka is truly one of the last untouched wildernesses left on the planet.

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