Wednesday, April 22, 2009

UPDATE: Spring Salmon; One Last Shot at a Keeper

I checked the Bonneville fish passage this morning, and was excited to see 1164 spring chinook crossed the dam yesterday, 4/21. This is up from a measley 55 on the 15th. It seems the run is blasting through all at once, rather than building over a few weeks.

This means that right now, there should be 10's of thousands of salmon moving through the Portland area. This is the big push I have been waiting for, but today is the final day the season is open on the Columbia below Bonneville dam, and I am working.

The Willamette and Multnomah Channel are open through the 30th however, and I still have some brined herring in the fridge.

I'm going to give it one final go this Friday before retiring my 2009 Columbia spring salmon season. Maybe, just maybe I'll get another opportunity to get one in the boat.


1 comment:

Rob Appleby-Goudberg said...

I'm looking forward to the next report !